Official Contact Details

  • Email Address: For general inquiries, bookings, or production-related questions, you can reach out to Dyked via their official email: [email protected].

  • Phone Number: To contact Dyked directly, call +420 773 499 144. This number is available for booking and production-related queries.

  • Mailing Address:
    Dyked Production s.r.o.
    Zvonařovská 84/13,
    180 00 Praha 8 - Libeň,
    Czech Republic

Social Media Profiles

Dyked maintains an active presence on several social media platforms, allowing users to stay updated on new content, promotions, and community engagement. Here are the official social media handles:

  • Facebook: Follow Dyked on Facebook for exclusive updates and community interactions.

  • Instagram: Explore behind-the-scenes content and highlights on their Instagram profile.

  • Twitter (X): Stay informed about the latest releases and trends by following Dyked on Twitter.

  • LinkedIn: For professional inquiries or collaborations, connect with Dyked on LinkedIn.